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URI Sorority

34 Lower College Rd | Kingston, RI 02881 | 401-874-4667 | uripanhel.recruitment@gmail.com | https://web.uri.edu/greek/


Welcome to URI Panhellenic - Spring 2025 Recruitment/Continuous Open Bidding

Thank you for registering your interest in joining a Sorority through Continuous Open Bidding during the Spring 2025 semester at the University of Rhode Island will begin on January 23rd, 2025!
Your registration with URI Panhellenic is now complete. This site is used as a registration and bid acceptance software.

Upcoming Event Dates

Community Pre-Recruitment Events

The following events are not required but encouraged so you can meet our chapters & other students

Spring Freek Day/Meet the Greeks: Thursday January 23rd, 6pm - 8pm in the Ram's Den
tabling event to meet with all panhellenic sorority chapters that are recruiting new members during the spring.

 What's Next? 

Read up on our website about our chapters, community & campus programs within Greek Life. It will help you prepare to ask questions during recruitment.

We DON'T recommend relying on Tik Tok, YouTuber or Influencer videos about "my recruitment experience" -- every individual experience is different and even from other campuses, they can run recruitment differently. Reach out to one our Panhellenic Officers to get your questions answered, or talk to your recruitment counselor when she is assigned to you this summer. 

What Happens during Spring Recruitment/Continuous Open Bidding?

During Continuous Open Bidding or COB, chapters are able to recruit members up to campus total (212) and do so in more informal, individualized process than the primary formal process in the Fall semester. Each chapter will determine how many new members they plan to take by how many spots they have to campus total (ex. if a chapter is 5 spots away from campus total, they can only take up to 5 members).

Chapters may host open attendance or invite only events to meet potential new members, and it is up to the chapter's discretion who and how many members they extend invites back and membership bids to. Once you have identified chapters you are interested in attending events, please make sure you stay in touch with any events or interviews you may have to continue on in the process.

The following Chapters will be recruiting new members during the Spring 2025 Semester:
the final chapter recruiting list will be published by January 23rd, 2025

Read up on our
website about our chapters, community, & campus programs within Greek Life. This will help you prepare to ask questions during recruitment.

The Recruitment Guide from Fall 2024 is available to review! Read up HERE

We DON'T recommend relying on YouTubers or influencer videos about "My recruitment experience" -- every individual experience is different, and even varying campuses run recruitment very differently. Reach out to one of our Panhellenic Officers to get any questions answered this summer.

Follow along on social media!

Instagram: @uripanhellenic & @uri_greeklife

Website: web.uri.edu/greek

Acknowledgement of sorority obligations & expectations:

Sorority membership comes with a number of obligations expected by the local chapter, national organization, housing corporation, the College Panhellenic Council, & the University of Rhode Island. The following list covers most of the expectations sorority members must uphold during their membership:

- Academic Expectations for Semester & Cumulative GPA - 

- Semester Membership Dues from $500-$1,200 per semester -

- Housing & Living in Requirements in Chapter Facilities - 

- Attendance Expectations at Chapter Events - 

- Behavior & Conduct Standards - 

- Community Service Hours & Fundraising for Philanthropic Charities & Causes -

Once I join, what is the new member program?

Sorority new member processes will begin after Bid Day for 6-8 weeks, wrapping up in April. During this time, new members will learn about their organization's national history and leadership positions in the organization, all while attending chapter events. During these activities, you will learn about and experience sisterhood, philanthropy, risk management, health & wellness, and leadership, as well as attend URI's Greek 101 program in February. Hazing, alcohol, & drug abuse are not tolerated in ANY Greek new member processes or any programs at the University of Rhode Island per the URI Student Handbook and each of our 11 inter/national sororities. 

If you have questions or concerns about any of these topics or policies, please reach out to

URI Office of Greek Affairs 

34 Lower College Rd, Kingston, RI 02881

Dr. Steve Simo, Assistant Dean- Student Engagement




Other questions? Reach out to us! 

Trinity O'Neill, Panhellenic VP of Recruitment: uripanhel.recruitment@gmail.com
Cat Scire, Recruitment Chair: uripanhel.recruitmentchair@gmail.com
Kelsey Gil, Panhellenic President: uripanhel.president@gmail.com

Parents or family members with questions?

Email our Assistant Director of Greek Affairs at alison_burke@uri.edu

With love,

The URI Panhellenic Council